For centuries, the narrow path that follows the slopes and ridges of El Priorat has borne witness to the difficulty of living and working on this land. At the Pasanau estates, we grow vines in a traditional, organic way, respecting the plants and their natural environment. We do not use chemical fertilisers or synthetic plant protection products. We support the vine with low-intervention, organic cultivation methods, using mules as draft animals on our older, less accessible estates.
La Verema
La verema és el punt culminant del camí vital de la vinya. Dotze mesos de paciència i de treball manual i meticulós, d'atenció als petits detalls, de capvespres amb la mirada atenta a l’horitzó, d'hores i hores dedicades a la poda, a l’esporga i, en definitiva, al treball respectuós de la vinya.

This 1.2 ha plot is a unique parcel of Viognier planted within the Serra del Montsant Natural Park, at 740 metres above sea level.

Soil of chalky gravels and conglomerate marls.

Facing south-east.

3,000 kg/ha.

The Cenozoic soils, with a high concentration of calcium carbonate, give the Viognier grapes structure and originality, bringing floral and terpene aromas to our Les Myriams single-vineyard wine.


A unique plot of 1.8 ha of black grenache and carignan planted together on slopes at 540 metres above sea level.

Llicorella soils.

Facing north-east.

3,000 kg/ha.

The altitude and north-east orientation of Los Torrents allows the vines to receive the first sun of the day and protects them from the strong heat of torrid summer afternoons. This slow ripening of the grapes, together with the typical Carboniferous-period llicorella soils of the region, offer an honest and structured wine, with outstanding concentration of red fruit and minerality.


A unique 2 ha parcel of cabernet sauvignon planted at the foot of the Serra Major del Montsant range, at 740 metres above sea level. La Planeta was the first cabernet sauvignon planted in the DOQ Priorat, in 1984.

Soil of chalky gravels and conglomerate marls.

Facing south.

3,000 kg/ha.

This is the Pasanau winery’s most iconic plot, probably because of its emotional bond with the generations who worked it, but also because of the quality and typical character of the grapes produced there.

In 2001, Wine Spectator ranked the wine from La Planeta estate 1997 at number 58 in the world.


Parcel·la única de 2 hectàrees de cabernet sauvignon plantada als peus de la Serra Major del Montsant, a 740 metres d’altitud. La Planeta va ésser el primer cabernet sauvignon plantat de la DOQ Priorat, l’any 1984.
Sòl de graves calcàries i margues conglomerades.
Orientació sud.
3.000 kg / ha.

Aquesta és la parcel·la més emblemàtica de celler Pasanau, segurament per un vincle emocional amb les generacions que van treballar-la, però també per la qualitat i la tipicitat tan característiques dels raïms que hi neixen.

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